Magesh Kumar Natarajan, a project manager from Ambur, Tamil Nadu, is the first global grand prize winner and the first winner of the FAST5 raffle draw outside the UAE.
Dubai: A 49-year-old project manager in Tamil Nadu, Friday, had his life turned upside down in the best of ways as he was announced as the first global grand prize winner of a raffle draw in the UAE. Magesh Kumar Natarajan was declared as the winner of the FAST5 Grand Prize of Emirates Draw.
Natarajan, who is the first global grand prize winner and the first winner of the FAST5 raffle draw outside the UAE, will get Dh 25,000 (around Rs 5.6 lakh) every month for the next 25 years, dramatically changing the fortunes of the father of two.
“I faced a lot of challenges in my life and during my studies. Many people from society helped me to complete my education. It’s my time to give back to society. I will ensure that my contribution to society reaches needy people,” Natarajan, a project manager in Ambur, Tamil Nadu, told news agency PTI.
The 49-year-old spent most of his life in Ambur, however, a four-year work related trip to Saudi Arabia from 2019 to early 2023, laid the groundwork for his remarkable changes in fortunes as his travels through Dubai exposed him to the vibrant Gulf city’s popular draws.
Witnessing people’s life being changed in a blink of an eye kindled Natarajan’s interest and he tried his hand at the Emirates Draw. But never in his wildest dreams had he imagined he would win the whole thing.
It was only when officials from the Emirates Draw made the life-changing call that Magesh genuinely believed that he won.
With this win, Magesh’s priority is to give back to the community and support those in need. In addition, he plans to invest in his daughters’ education and secure a brighter future for his family.
“It was an unbelievable moment that turned out to be one of the happiest and memorable days of my life,” said the jubilant father of two.
“I am also planning to invest in my daughters’ education and secure a brighter future for my family,” he said.
Commenting on the latest winner, Mohammad Behroozian Alawadhi, Managing Partner at Emirates Draw, said, “Having another Grand Prize Winner in such an impressively brief span reaffirms FAST5’s unparalleled pace in delivering Grand Prizes.”
“Our vision extends beyond just games; we aim to touch and transform as many lives as possible globally,” Alawadhi said.
Earlier in July, Mohammed Adil Khan from Uttar Pradesh was named the first winner of the FAST 5 draw.
(With PTI inputs)